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Navigating and communicating Environmental, Social & Governance for mid-size and family businesses

In partnership with

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Date: Thursday 07 March
Time: 7:30AM arrival for a 8:00AM start - 9:00AM AEDT
Location: Grant Thornton Sydney | L17 383 Kent Street, Sydney

Grant Thornton invites you to join our upcoming presentation on ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) strategies, high level discussion on the new reporting landscape and the importance of communicating sustainable changes in your business.

Join Michaela Pogson alongside Nick Hunter from Paper Moose, who will discuss the importance of mid-sized & family businesses embedding an ESG strategy into their business. As well as, understanding how businesses can communicate elements of this strategy to their consumers & employees.

Our presentation will cover:
  • A high level overview of the reporting obligations that are coming
  • The benefits and opportunities of considering ESG strategies elements in an overall business strategy
  • Discussion on how and when you should communicate new ESG initiatives to the market

Please arrive at the venue at 7:30am where breakfast refreshments will be served, ready for a 8am start. 


Featured speakers

Michaela Pogson
Partner - Private Business Tax & Advisory
Michaela is passionate about helping family businesses be more sustainable. Achieving this by helping to create longevity through appropriate structures, strong supply chains, succession planning and good governance. Michaela understands how to navigate complex family issues in the midst of the day-to-day business operations; ensuring good foundations are created in order to help businesses grow and set the business and the family up for the future.

Nick Hunter
Founder & CEO - Paper Moose
Nick is Paper Moose’s co-founder, CEO and ECD. He is passionate about the power of advertising and brand building as a power for good, focusing on working with businesses to grow their brand around the triple bottom line of planet, people, profit, while keeping a healthy dose of humour in the mix. He also hosts the podcast The Mucky Middle, in which he talks to business leaders about balancing commercial success and maintaining a social license.

At Grant Thornton Australia, we value inclusion and strive to host inclusive, accessible meetings and events that enable all individuals, to engage fully. If you require accommodations to attend this meeting, for example captioning, advance copy of the slides, wheelchair access or if you would like to discuss your specific needs, please reach out using the provided contact details. Your comfort and participation matters to us. By submitting this form to register, you give permission for your details to be shared with Grant Thornton Australia and Paper Moose.

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