Webinar: Aligning technology with your organisational strategy

Date: Thursday 1 October
Time: 12:00pm - 12:45pm AEST

Technology provides organisations with some of the greatest opportunities to grow and compete. Technology can drive innovation, advance your company’s products and services, enable greater scale and reach, monetise your data and enhance profitability through improved operational effectiveness. These opportunities are best achieved when the technology and the digital transformation aligns to a broader organisational strategy and aims to solve a customer need.

In this webinar Ian Renwood, Partner and National Head of Technology Consulting, will be joined by Claire Rogers, Managing Partner, Mentor List CEO Advisory. Ian and Claire will explore the need for alignment between business and technology functions.

They will discuss how established companies can create a digital culture and foster innovation. Drawing on their experience they will touch on key lessons organisations have learnt from implementing digital transformation and the positive changes they have seen as a result.

We look forward to you joining us.

This webinar is in partnership with:

Featured speakers

Ian Renwood
Partner & National Head of Technology Consulting, Grant Thornton Australia

Passionate about emerging technologies and their application to transform traditional operating models, Ian joined Grant Thornton in 2019 to lead the Technology Advisory offering in Sydney. In addition to 20 years as a management consultant, including over five years at IBM, Ian also advises on the Boards of two start-ups, AlphaVista Financial Services and Netlinkz (ASX:NET), and is a lead mentor at Stone & Chalk – providing strategic advice for tech start-ups. Read more.

Claire Rogers
Managing Director, Mentor List CEO Advisory

Claire Rogers is chief executive of World Vision Australia, the country’s largest not-for-profit organisation, working in partnership across 90 countries to provide short and long term assistance to 100 million people. Claire, a social innovator, has a proven track record of strategising and delivering major change initiatives, helping organisations adapt to the tech-disrupted economy, aligning physical and digital execution to maximise opportunities. Read more. 

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